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Art Fund Transborder Logo /
Logotipo del Fondo de Arte Transfronterizo
from y para
Cd. Juárez / El paso


  1. 1 We understand transborder art to mean work that is bicultural [maybe even multi-cultural] and responds to the aesthetics and affective experiences on both sides of the border and that assumes meaningful commitments in either Cd. Juárez, El Paso or both.
  2. 2 With the fund, we aim to support art and cultural projects that take the form of social practice from their inception and manage to yield tangible, concrete and quantifiable benefits to specific and clearly identified segments of the community on either side of the border.
  3. 3 We are especially interested in supporting artists and collectives throughout their production process, not only financially but also through mentorship, advising, conversations and studio visits.
  4. 4 We envision an art practice that is committed to fostering and exploring sustainable relationships with our communities, our territory and our environment and is not focused solely on producing polished art objects.
  5. 5 We recognize the border as an unequal, asymmetrical and unbalanced sociopolitical construct with vast economic and cultural implications that has historically benefited a minor portion of the population occupying only the most privileged spaces and places; therefore, we will prioritize projects that serve the underserved and are representative of traditionally underrepresented communities in contemporary art, be it due to race, gender or socioeconomic and geopolitical conditions.
  6. 6 We wish to redistribute privileges and we want to do it through art.

Supported y financiado by :

Mellon Foundation Logo Paso del Norte Community Foundation Logo Desierto Mountain Time Logo Stanlee & Gerald Rubin Center for the Visual Arts Logo Lineaus Hooper Lorette Logo Ford Foundation logo